

At our practice, we follow the principles of Functional Medicine, which focus on a comprehensive approach to health. Rather than simply managing symptoms, we work to uncover and address the root causes of illness through various methods. This may include genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that may contribute to your condition. 

A key aspect of this process is identifying and removing obstacles to healing. Factors such as systemic infections (viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal), heavy metal toxicity, dental issues, exposure to electromagnetic fields (ELF), and other environmental influences can all play a role in a single health issue. Effectively addressing these factors is essential for long-term recovery and optimal health.


Pricing and Wellness Plan Options


Initial Consultation (1.5 hours) – $350

  • Comprehensive review of medical history and current health concerns
  • Analysis of recent physical exam records, lab results, and other relevant health data
  • Recommendations for additional or advanced lab tests


Follow-Up Consultation (1 Hour) – $200

  • A personalized health plan is based on the findings from your initial consultation.
  • Individualized recommendations may include dietary and lifestyle adjustments, supplements, homeopathy, botanical medicine, and more.


Phone Brief Consultation (15 minutes) – $50


7-Month Prepaid Wellness Plan
(Includes Initial Consultation, Regulation Thermometry, + 5 Follow-Up Visits) $1500 (Save $120)

  • The ideal, cost-effective option for those with complex conditions or those needing ongoing support through monthly sessions.
  • Includes email/text support (48-hour response time).
  • 15% discount on Fullscript supplements.


Additional Benefit for Established Clients:

  • 10% off for clients who make consistent efforts toward their health improvement and follow-up care. This discount is available to those who show dedication to their wellness journey.


Please note: Supplements and lab orders are available at an additional cost. 

A payment plan is available when buying a Wellness Plan.

We do not accept insurance.


Other Appointments:

Regulation Thermography with Printed Report (general treatment recommendations only) $270

For more info please visit:

Bioresonance Scan with Interpretation (general treatment recommendations only) – $200

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